A dormitory maid reported seeing “Boss Paul”, Waratnpol Waratnvorakul, the CEO and founder of The Icon Group, visiting the premises in September, where he arrived in a luxury sports car to inquire about renting a room supposedly for employees.
This follows the investigation by the Department of Special Investigation (DSI), which conducted a search and seized assets from Boss Paul hidden in a rental room on Ram Intra 9, valued at over 40 million THB.

On October 23, 2024, reporters visited the dormitory and spoke with the maid, who confirmed seeing a yellow supercar associated with Boss Paul. She detailed how he had initially contacted her about renting a room in September, stating it was for his staff.

On September 28, a close associate deposited the rental fee and moved items into room 204, returning on October 1 for additional items. Although Boss Paul’s car was parked for two nights, the room was never occupied. After the car disappeared around the time it was reported in the news, the maid notified the landlord, providing information to the authorities.
This article was rewritten from a Thairath’s news article.