Thai Parliament passes landmark same-sex marriage bill


In a historic vote, Thailand’s parliament overwhelmingly passed a bill legalizing same-sex marriage on Sunday, May 12th. The legislation received 200 votes in favor and only 32 against, marking a significant step forward for LGBTQ+ rights in the Southeast Asian nation.

Thai Parliament passes landmark same-sex marriage bill

The bill, which has been debated for several years, grants same-sex couples the same rights and legal protections as heterosexual couples, including inheritance, social security benefits, and joint adoption. This move brings Thailand closer to aligning with other countries in the region that recognize same-sex unions, such as Taiwan.

“Today is a momentous day for Thailand,” said Anusorn Jitsanguan, a prominent LGBTQ+ rights activist. “This law sends a strong message of equality and inclusion for all Thais. It shows the world that Thailand is a country that respects diversity.”

However, despite the overwhelming support in parliament, concerns remain regarding potential societal resistance. While urban areas have shown greater acceptance of LGBTQ+ rights, some rural communities may hold more conservative views.

Furthermore, the bill does not address issues like same-sex couples adopting children born through surrogacy, which is currently illegal in Thailand for all couples.

Despite these limitations, the passage of the same-sex marriage bill is a significant victory for Thailand’s LGBTQ+ community. It paves the way for greater societal acceptance and legal protections for same-sex couples in the future.